About Us
Simple Little Detail The Market
An Idea was Born!!
Dan is a night owl. I am a morning person. I like to talk hours on the phone. Dan only uses the phone for necessities. I lived in a home where my mother and father co-owned a successful business. Dan had a stay at home Mom and a father who went to work lifestyle.
Aside from these opposites, Dan and I have the same goals, passions and dreams. Because of these opposites we also learned each other’s strengths and weaknesses. With this knowledge in hand we formed Simple Little Details. We are both creative people even though we have different work styles. This sometimes creates a little friction, but we have learned to pump up each other’s strengths and ego.
Our belief is that being married is our true “Asset” both professionally and personally. Trust is the true component for a successful marriage as a couple and this trust is truly greater than you would likely have had with an outside business partner. We can allow ourselves our vulnerabilities in growing Simple Little Detail. Which will make our business grow faster as we learn from mistakes.
We love what we are doing and this is the Simple Little Detail to our success story.